Category: Fixed & Updated

[UPDATED] Soy. Color Changeable Chair Set

We sent an updated version (ver 1.1) to all purchasers.
Please check your inventory.

[detail about this update]
1: Color options have been integrated into the sitter menu now. or Touch the Chair when nobody sitting.

2:Light emitter coloring
when the chair color changed, the light emitter color will change too.
Off the light-up feature by [lightOFF] button.

If you have not received the updated version, you can get from Redelivery Terminal.

Thank you.


When you have trouble with a viewing,
Please check again the setting part located in the “Graphic” preference pane on your SL viewer.

Objects & Sculpt (LOD): “4”
always “4” reccomended.


Local lights: ON
Point Lighting: Full


[Updated] Soy. Bed [Your Bed Is Always Messy] (PG and Adult)

We sent updated version to all purchasers. Please check in your inventory.

Update part:
This update is for user who wants change a screen’s image for laptop has been included the bed system. the laptop objects was no mod, so we changed modify.

and Added new laptop(R) and laptop (L) objects in the package. It is for replace with laptops in the bed. for more detailed method, read “How to…” note card in the package.

Thank you.


[Fixed] Soy. Lace Woven Hammock

We sent fixed version to all purchasers. Please check in your inventory.

Fixed part : Texture change menu dialog opened, during the avatar sitting on by touch.
Double menu dialog was not intended.

If you need texture menu during sitting, open from sitting menu “Texture” button.

We apologize for this mistaken.

Thank you.

[Fixed] Soy. The Kitchen (PG and Adult)

We sent fixed version to all purchasers. Please check in your inventory.

Fixed part : shown the button (“Spank”) which is not used in couple menu.
Removed the button. Total 6 couple poses are correct.

If you don’t want to replace to updated kitchen due to customized already etc,
just replace with [AVpos] notecard in your kitchen contents tab.

We apologize for this mistaken.
Thank you.

[Updated] Soy. Store Gift Card – 2019

Customers who purchased our store gift cards prior to May 2019

Due to gift card system updates, your gift card may need to exchange to new one.
If you used the card even once, no need exchange. you can shopping with your balance without card. (your card balance has been recorded in the system.)

If you have not installed your gift card yet, Contact to us via notecard in-world.

How to check your card balance
Touch vendor (any product at our store) > Buy > Use Card
It shows on dialog menu.

Thank you.

[Fixed] Soy. Apartment Jyoukyo-House

Today, we sent updated version to all purchasers. Please check in your inventory.

If you have unfixed version, you can get new one from Redelivery Terminal.

Fixed : “Apartment type” doors had “phantom”.

Tips: If you don’t want to replace to new building due to customized already etc,
You can fix easily like this method.

Thank you.