shirts: Emery Cropped Shirt Billy (@C88)
pants: -tb- Leggings- Black
hair: [taketomi]_Megu [SAMPLER]
light: junk. fan light. silver (@TMD)
Cardboard Box: Junk. package
Noodle: / XIAJ / Cup Noodles closed (@TCF)
Pot: / XIAJ / Naembi (rez) (@TCF)
decor on the table: *Second Spaces* Sick Day accessory set
film: *Second Spaces* 8mm Nostalgia set (bxd1)
reel to reel: Standby Inc. – ATR (Sir)
fridge: Soy. Fridge (white) (coming soon)
Table: Soy. worktable (GroupGift)